I thought about that I kept that modem unplugged for whole night. Didn't help.

Ray Olszewski wrote:

> Just a blue-sky thought here ... there used to be reports, back on the LRP
> lists, that, in some cases, clearing a MAC address required more than a
> simple modem reset. Some people reported needing to power-down (as in unplug
> from the wall socket) the modem for 5 minutes, presumably to clear some
> equivalent of the CMOS a PC uses to hold state between boots. If your "reset
> of the modem" hasn't been this thorough, you might try this approach and see
> if it helps.
> At 02:03 PM 11/20/01 -0500, Simon Bolduc wrote:
> >I too am with @home, as is a friend of mine, we both upgraded to the current
> >release of dachstein and while he is experiencing the same problem as you, I
> >am not.  He has tried different NICs, reconfiguring etc.  This could
> >potentially be an issue with your modem caching your MAC address (though a
> >reset of the modem should repair this if that is the problem - and it
> >doesn't) - or perhaps the headend modem caching the MAC.  Just out of
> >curiousity is your modem a blue Terayon Modem - made out of plastic, kinda
> >looks like a shark's fin??  that is the type my friend has, - and is
> >different than my type of modem.  It could also be a rogue dhcp server as
> >the resolution of a traceroute seems a little odd for the DHCP address.
> [old stuff deleted]
> --
> ------------------------------------"Never tell me the odds!"---
> Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
> Palo Alto, CA                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------

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