> - is it possible to change the root ramdisk size and still booting from
the CD ??

Yes, but you have to burn a new CD, with a different boot-floppy image.

NOTE:  It *is* possible to change the size of the /var/log ramdisk, since
that's created at runtime.  You only need a new boot-floppy image if you
have to change the size of the root ramdisk.

> - I think that the behaviour of the cut command as changed

It has

> in previous versions of dachstein:
> ping -c 1 some.dns.name | grep PING | cut -d" ():" -f  3
> returned only the ip address
> in dachstein cd, the same command returns
> (
> Any idea ??

The previous cut command was massively broken, and the fact that the above
usage worked was an artifact of cut's mis-behavior.  Try the above on a
'normal' linux system and you'll get an error...the delimiter for cut must
be a single character...

Try using sed instead of cut:
sed 's/).*//;s/.*(//'

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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