On Saturday 09 March 2002 10:21, joey officer wrote:
> i did not find that specific line in the net ipfilter list command,
> however I did change the setting in the networ.conf file.  however I
> still did not find that line in the above command.  I got to thinking
> about the specific problem i'm having and thought I might try to give
> a little more information .. here goes

> IPSec loads without any noticable errors, except something out abour
> rp_filter should be 0, but reads 1 (or vice versa).  If I understand
> correclty, once both machines are at this point I could ping the
> office subnet from the home subnet, and the opposite, however this
> does not work. So then I tried ' ipsec auto --up office ' .. and then
> this just hangs. sits for awhile (reading the logs says something
> about itializing office on MAIN).  After a minute or so, I ctrl-break
> this and am unable to go any further.

The rp_filter has to do with the network.conf setup, turn off 
eth0_IPSPOOF to fix this. 

"ipsec barf" will check the connection attempt(s) and give you any
errors there. Also, did you add "leftfirewall=yes" and 
rightfirewall=yes" assuming these boxes are both being run with 
"fiter=firewall or router". 

Personally, it sounds like the RSA authentication problem. 
"ipsec barf" or "cat /var/log/auth.log" should show the point 
of failure.


~Lynn Avants
aka Guitarlynn

guitarlynn at users.sourceforge.net

If linux isn't the answer, you've probably got the wrong question!

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