"Henning, Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello-
> I am using echowall on dachstein LRP. I have a windows 2k pro machine that i
> can ssh into from the outside. i am also running an http server on my w2k
> machine. I am port forwarding ssh through my router/firewall.  My problem is
> I am not sure how to tunnel the http to the *outside world*. I am not sure
> if it is possible. Any thoughts or suggestions?
> thanks
> brian

Charles gave you the answer to this before, but if you are coming from a
windows world it may not make sense. I attached his original post at the
end of this message.  Here's what I'll presume about you.  You are on a
windows client at work or somewhere else connecting to your LEAF box. 
As you described you have a Windows 2000 box with a web page you want to
see.  There are allot of things to keep straight in ones mind when you
start playing with port forwarding and SSH.  In short, you are not
trying to "tunnel the http to the *outside world*" but you tell your
clients how to tunnel to the service.

First off think of your LEAF box as just a patch cord.  You have taken a
cord and plugged it into a receptacle named 22 available to the rest of
the world.  The other end of the cord has been plugged into 22 on your
W2K box.  That's all port forwarding does in LEAF.  LEAF is completely
out of the picture now.  All that is is is a pipe for data to flow
over.  You have successfully done that as you describe above.

Now let's talk about the magic of SSH.  SSH is one protocol.  It allows
a person to setup an encrypted link between two computers.  Typically, a
telnet like feature is used within the SSH suite to talk to another
server and run commands on it.  Ahhhh but there are a few more tricks up
SSH's sleeve.  SSH allows you to build other pipes within the port 22
pipe.  This is normally referred to as tunneling.  Within the port 22
pipe you can create multiple tunnels.  For example I have both regular
SSH and web tunneled to a windows machine.  I created these tunnels to
try and explain what you'll need to do.  If I wanted to ftp through SSH,
then you could add this too.  Name a protocol and try it.  You are
really just redirecting a port that the protocol normally uses on your
localhost to the desired port on your server.

There are several SSH packages for Windows.  I'll describe putty.  You
will need version 0.52. My prior version, 0.51, did not have the
features to perform the tasks you're asking for.  (And yes I upgraded
today to try it out. :)   ) 
"A.8.8 How do I pronounce PuTTY?
"Exactly like the normal word "putty". Just like the stuff you put on
window frames. (One of the reasons it's called PuTTY is because it makes
Windows usable. :-)

Download the executables from
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html.  You
will want plink.exe especially.  plink is short for putty link.  You
will want to setup your private key on the windows client computer that
attaches to LEAF.

plink.exe takes the SSH part and simplifies building tunnels within the
port 22 pipe on a Windows PC.  I have a Samba Server on a Linux box that
acts like your W2K box.  I used a windows PC with putty and plink to
connect to it.  Here's the command I used where

     myLEAFipAddress is the address to LEAF performing port forwarding.
     myuser is the userid on the W2K box.
     myW2kboxIPorName is the ip or name of your W2k box.  You would need
to add the name in c:\windows\host
     file for a server name to work.

     plink -L 80:myLEAFipAddress:80 myuser@myW2kboxIPorName

This establishes the tunnel.  I do not have a web server on my windows
PC.  However, when I use 


in the web browser, I see my what my Apache server is providing me.
Remember port 80 is the default port used by browsers i.e.
http://localhost/ is the same as http://localhost:80/.  SSH through
plink is creating a tunnel to my local machine or a secure patch cord. 
plink forwards whatever connects on my local windows box at port 80 to
the other server on port 80.  You have to just believe this until it
makes sense.  Also note the localhost is the name for ip address  Every networking host has this available to it.

Perhaps the -L 80:myLEAFipAddress:80 is confusing because the command is
using the same port numbers on both ends of the pipe or tunnel.  Let's
try this since I am putting off filling out my 1040 tax forms >:}

     plink -L 1040:myLEAFipAddress:80 myuser@myW2kboxIPorName

Now use


in the web browser.  Once again I see the pages Apache is serving up to
me.  If you will, plink makes a web server available on your client
windows PC.  Without plink forwarding the web server over SSH to the
windows client, you would receive the typical 404 http error message.

Note that SSH is a server process in this configuration.  If you need
two way communication that is where both ends of the tunnel need to
perform peer tasks, then you will want to investigate CIPE.  CIPE
specializes in the tunneling that SSH does and sometimes has problems
doing http://sites.inka.de/~bigred/devel/tcp-tcp.html. 
The main CIPE site is at http://sites.inka.de/~bigred/devel/cipe.html.

I hope this helps.  I had fun exploring it for you and others that may
need this technique.  I have not had the need to do this yet but it was
interesting exploring it.

Greg Morgan

This information may be helpful even though it talks about using the
putty client and not plink.


   3.5 Using port forwarding in SSH

       The SSH protocol has the ability to forward arbitrary network
       connections over your encrypted SSH connection, to avoid the
       network traffic being sent in clear. For example, you could use
       this to connect from your home computer to a POP-3 server on a
       remote machine without your POP-3 password being visible to

       In order to use port forwarding to connect from your local
       to a port on a remote server, you need to:

        -  Choose a port number on your local machine where PuTTY should
           for incoming connections. There are likely to be plenty of
           port numbers above 3000.

        -  Now, before you start your SSH connection, go to the Tunnels
           (see section 4.17.2). Make sure the `Local' radio button is
           Enter the local port number into the `Source port' box. Enter
           destination host name and port number into the `Destination'
           separated by a colon (for example,
`popserver.example.com:110' to
           connect to a POP-3 server).

        -  Now click the `Add' button. The details of your port
           should appear in the list box.

       Now start your session and log in. (Port forwarding will not be
       enabled until after you have logged in; otherwise it would be
       to perform completely anonymous network attacks, and gain access
       anyone's virtual private network). To check that PuTTY has set up
       the port forwarding correctly, you can look at the PuTTY Event
       (see section It should say something like this:

         2001-12-05 17:22:10 Local port 3110 forwarding to

       Now if you connect to the source port number on your local PC,
       should find that it answers you exactly as if it were the service
       running on the destination machine. So in this example, you could
       then configure an e-mail client to use `localhost:3110' as a POP-
       3 server instead of `popserver.example.com:110'. (Of course, the
       forwarding will stop happening when your PuTTY session closes

       You can also forward ports in the other direction: arrange for a
       particular port number on the _server_ machine to be forwarded
       to your PC as a connection to a service on your PC or near it. To
       this, just select the `Remote' radio button instead of the
       one. The `Source port' box will now specify a port number on the
       _server_ (note that most servers will not allow you to use port
       numbers under 1024 for this purpose).

       The source port for a forwarded connection usually does not
       connections from any machine except the SSH client or server
       itself (for local and remote forwardings respectively). There are
       controls in the Tunnels panel to change this:

        -  The `Local ports accept connections from other hosts' option
           you to set up local-to-remote port forwardings in such a way
           machines other than your client PC can connect to the

        -  The `Remote ports do the same' option does the same thing for
           remote-to-local port forwardings (so that machines other than
           SSH server machine can connect to the forwarded port.) Note
           this feature is only available in the SSH 2 protocol, and not
           SSH 2 servers support it (OpenSSH 3.0 does not, for example).

>> This might seem like a silly question but, here it goes anyway. Is it
>> possible to tunnel http through ssh on port 22 and access a website from
>> outside the local network?
>Absolutely!  Run something like the following on your local system (use
>cygwin on a windows box)
>ssh -L 80:<remote IP or domain>:80 <remote system> -l <remote-user-name>
>This will connect your local port 80 to port 80 on <remote IP or domain> via
>an ssh connection to <remote system>.
>To access the remote website, just go to http://localhost , or
>Charles Steinkuehler
>http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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