David Douthitt wrote:

>>>Matt Schalit wrote:
>>>>I have a small request that the backup scripts write
>>>>to the drive from which the package was loaded.  Would
>>>>that be a major rewrite?

> Another thing: Define The Problem.  I don't see backing up to this
> disk or that a problem.  What Problem does all this extra code solve?

> David Douthitt

   I think I can field that one -- remote admin on a two
diskette drive system.

   The way it is now, someone has to be there to pull
floppies and get the right one in the #1 drive.  And,
correct me if I'm wrong, but most addon packages will
be on the #2 drive's diskette, meaning you have to switch
more often than not.

   So remote admin is the primary concern, but in general,
it's helpful even if you're at the console.  Not worth a
major rewrite in my opinion.

Did you catch the disappearing date binary post I made
the other day?  Just curious.

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