> Thank you very Charles, I will modify the RSA key in the config when I
> get home.
> In the network.conf I have
> EXTERN_PROTO0="50 0/0"
> EXTERN_PROTO1="51 0/0"
> and
> EXTERN_UDP_PORTS="0/0_500"
> on both sides
> so I think I do not have to set firewall=yes, right?

You are correct.  With the above entries in network.conf, you do not need
FreeS/WAN to generate firewall holes for the IPSec packets.  An additional
side benifit of using network.conf to create the firewall rules is you can
modify your firewall rules while running (ie edit network.conf and run "net
ipfilter reload") without bringing down any VPN tunnels.  If you use the
FreeS/WAN [left|right]firewall=yes to do this, you have to shut down IPSec,
reload your firewall rules, the re-start ipsec.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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