Hi Ray,

 > (Can someone remind me how to check this in Dachstein? I usually
 > use top for this, but I don't think Dachstein includes it.)
Well, I can tell you how I do it (using Dachstein, and Matterhorn). I 
use the c server-component for lrpStat and then display "device" cpu0 as 
a graph. It's simple (since Dachstein is already set up to for lrpStat), 
all one has to do is replace the script with the c-program and add a 
graph for the device "cpu0" in netmon.html.

Oh, don't look for docs about this on the lrpStat page, they're not 
there yet. But soon, I promise. V0.13 (soon to be released - the only 
thing still missing is those docs...) will even support two cpus - cpu0 
and cpu1. Not that this matters on the average router, of course.

I like "top" too, but when one has several machines to monitor, having 
several termials open for a "top" (plus the usual "tail -f 
/var/log/messages" for each machine) can clutter up one's desktop, which 
is why I wrote that part for lrpStat.

BTW, I'm _not_ trying to advertise lrpStat - it's already being used by 
many more people than I ever thought would use it. But since you asked 
how to get info on cpu utilization on a  Dachstein machine, I thought 
I'd tell you how I do that.



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