At 10:24 AM 6/2/02 -0400, Adam Drake wrote:
>Thanks for your reply Ray. I can send mail from an internal host, using
>address [EMAIL PROTECTED] to an external host and it arrives. I
>cannot collect mail from qmail, whether sent from internally or externally.

OK. As to the first part ... what I was asking is whether you can send mail 
TO [EMAIL PROTECTED] and find it in the account's mail box on 
the router. (Not if you can then download it to a POP3 client; that's a 
separate problem.) Or even better, can you telnet to port 25 from a LAN 
workstation and send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using SMTP 
commands by hand?

If you can, then your problem getting mail from offsite is almost surely 
caused by your ISP deliberately interfering with port 25 traffic.  And if 
you can't, these tests will give you much better diagnostic information 
than you can get from failed remote attempts. (I and others have reported 
here pretty much everything you can learn from remote connection attempts.)

(You can try adding an MX record for your host, but I doubt it will address 
your problem - I believe the advice you got from your DYNDNS provider is 

And BTW, when you "send mail from an internal host, using address 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to an external host and it arrives", what SMTP 
server have you told the e-mail client to use? (Since you've not said what 
e-mail client you are using, I don't know where to tell you to find this 
info, if you don't already know.)

As to the second part ... based on the details you posted, you want to use 
POP3 to "collect" mail from the router to a workstation. Your Shorewall 
additions for port 110 look OK (for getting mail from an on-LAN 
workstation, which is what I assume you have been attempting), and I'm not 
qualified to comment on your qmail additions (in qmail/pop3d/run). But ...

What DOES happen when you try to connect to port 110 on the LEAF firewall? 
What POP3 client are you using, what OS is the workstation running, and 
what error does the POP3 client report?

What happens if you try to telnet to port 110 on the LEAF firewall?

If you check the LEAF router with "netstat -l -p", what process is actually 
listening on port 110?

>Here are some configs:
[details and old stuff deleted]

-----------------------------------------------"Never tell me the 
Ray Olszewski                                        -- Han Solo
Palo Alto, California, USA                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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