On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, T Burt wrote:

> Has anyone had difficulties booting the Supersize floppy?

Yes.  Others have had much success with them.

I have had good success with 1680.  It squeezes more sectors on each
track, while some other formats (e.g. 1722) add additional tracks
(cylinders) to the floppy.  Adding tracks doesn't seem to be as reliable
as adding sectors.

> I have one machine that stops booting at the "Loading" prompt.  The floppy 
> is good, cause it works on other machines.

This is helpful to know.

> Any guesses if this would be a Syslinux problem?  Or initrd?


> Does anyone know of an URL or reference that might provide some insight 
> into compatibility issues of the 1680 format?


Try re-syslinuxing the disk with the "-s" option.

> Could it be a bios issue?


> Or an older floppy drive?

Unlikely, though if the drive is dead you have problems anyway. 

> The problem box is 
> an old Digital slim profile Pentium 100 mhz with 64 MB.  My source has a 
> truckload of them.  They are perfect for use as a router...  If only it 
> would boot!

I must have missed where you said which image you were using or how you
had created it.  Some versions of syslinux have had more compatibility
problems than others, and some images have incorporated less-compatible
versions of the syslinux boot code.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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