On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, T Burt wrote:

> Thank you all for your replies, you have all been most helpful.
> To make up some deficiencies in my post...
> I used the idiot image for 1680 from the downloads.

idiot image... is this a hint that you are referring to LRP2.9.8? or
Eigerstein, Dachstein, Oxygen, or Bering?  From what website?  We would
ordinarily assume leaf.sourceforge.net, but I think that site is pretty
clear about the variety available that you are not ruling out.

>  Since my redhat 
> box doesn't have a device for 1680, I used the Windows exe version, which 
> works great!  Thank you.

Mmmm.. I doubt your RH kernel cannot handle 1680, though it is quite
possible that your /dev directory doesn't have a device node to refer to
that capability with.


> The floppy I created works OK in several boxes, except for this Old 
> Pentium, that I got for cheap.  However, the 1440 version of the old lrp 
> DOES work in the Old Pentium, so the floppy drive is good, but perhaps not good 

If you _are_ using the LRP2.9.8 1680 image, it was infamous for not having
been syslinuxed with the "-s" switch.  Don't blame the hardware yet....

Your best option is probably to use Dachstein or Bering.

> I have a couple of spare 1.44 drives, so I will try that next.  And report 
> back the results when I do...
> BTW, these boxes do come with a 1 GB SCSI drive and an adaptec 2940 
> controller, so all is not lost.  I will probably just hook up a cdrom and 
> load a redhat on there, since I already have the wireless stuff working on 
> Redhat.

The temptation with RH is to leave all those services it installs by
default running... which is risky for a firewall.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...2k


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