On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 09:39:48 EDT Dr. Richard W. Tibbs wrote:

> The Dachstein 
> firewall has allowed access more-or-less continuously for several days 
> now, since the last reboot.  The "less" part has been that every so 
> often it appears that DNS service "goes away", that is hosts become 
> unreachable.  I can still ping the firewall's gateway addr 
> ( during these periods.
> The lease periods on the cable side of the firewall are 4-hour leases, 
> and the internal side of the firewall gives IP leases of 12 hours.
  So possible explanations include
> 1) temporary lease "fumbling" every 4 hours.
> 2) flaky, overloaded DNS servers at Charter (what a surprise...)
If you're running DNS cache on the router and the LAN hosts are
using it, the answer to #2 is probably no.  dnscache should start
with the root name servers and work their way down to resolve
names.  Charter's DNS servers should be bypassed completely unless
you're resolving a name for which those DNS servers are
authoritative.  The exception is if you explicitely configure it
to forward all queries or certain domains to Charter's DNS servers.
(I've been jumping around in leaf-user postings, so forgive me if
you indicated you are using such a setting in an earlier posting.)

> Let me pursue a more recent Dachstein (or maybe Bering?) and see if the 
> problem persists.

Good idea.


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