On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, S Mohan wrote:

> Sorry. I was not lucid enough. I wanted to know if there wa an interface
> for shorewall to execute a deny rule based on port scans without user
> input. Dynamic blacklisting as I understand here is input by the user.
> Am I right? Portsentry has settings where by portsentry automatically
> creates a drop target chain for a specific IP from which it has detected
> a portscan.

No -- Shorewall has no component that runs continuously so it has no way
to monitor firewall log activity.

Let me offer you some of my opinions:

a) The instance of repeat port scans from the same IP address on my
firewall is near zero. That observation is based on my tracking port scans
over a period of a couple of years. So adding a rule because someone
portscans my firewall is like bolting the barn door after the horse is

b) By the time that a port scan is detected, it is well under way. Again, 
generating rules is too little too late.

c) If you trust your firewall then why should you care if someone
portscans it?

d) If you don't trust your firewall then why the hell are you running it?

e) If you don't trust your firewall, do you really feel better because the
guy who wrote it doesn't trust it either and would rather spend his time
writing code that generates dynamic rules when his firewall is under
attack rather than spending his time improving the basic rule set so that
it is impervious to attack?

f) If the fellow who wrote your firewall often sees repeat port scans from
the same IP address, then the port scans must be finding something that 
might be exploited.

g) If every packet entering your firewall must pass a gauntlett of 10000
portscan-generated firewall rules then who wins? -- it's not you!

>From the above observations, I conclude that the only rational
dynamic-rule generator is one that detects portscans quickly and
instantiates blocking rules for a short period of time until the portscan
is over. In other words, it tried to suppress the portscan-generated log 
message by adding dynamic firewall rules.

I personally think that a tool that displays the Shorewall log and
suppresses portscan entries would be much easier to build -- if I 
ever decide to do anything in this area, I will probably explore that 

Tom Eastep    \ Shorewall - iptables made easy
AIM: tmeastep  \ http://www.shorewall.net
ICQ: #60745924  \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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