On Sat, 3 Aug 2002, S Mohan wrote:

> Boy that was a loadful. No offences if I've caused any. Firstly, I trust
> Linux, the author and myself too.

Sorry -- I should have held that post over night before deciding to send 
it or not; it would have been the latter.

> My experience is limited but I've got hacked and have detected
> portscans. Normally a portscan would take some time depending on how
> many ports are scanned. However, I'm identifying a portscan by finding
> out who is opening an port on which I'm not running any service.
> Secondly, the portscanner from the same IP scans machine in the subnet
> going thro' this router/ firewall. Thus we will be able to block the IP
> for the network saving other machines if they have a vulnerability on
> services that are open.

Yes -- I agree. Although most attacks that I've seen lately have been very 
focused against a few ports (MS Sql Server, ftp, ssh, ), stopping 
someone who is taking the shotgun approach is probably a good thing.   
> Can the userspace area be made use of to create chains on the fly? Say
> maybe running a shell script as a service that takes an IP as an
> argument to create the chain? I do not know if userspace allows this.

Yes -- In fact, I think that there a people who are using snort together 
with Shorewall's blacklisting to do just that. Remember that user space 
doesn't have to create the rules itself -- it can simply invoke the 
"shorewall drop" or "shorewall reject" commands.

As I pointed out in my previous post, there is a danger that the blacklist 
gets very large over time -- it is a good idea to purge old entries every 
so often so that the overhead of processing the blacklisst doesn't become 

Tom Eastep    \ Shorewall - iptables made easy
AIM: tmeastep  \ http://www.shorewall.net
ICQ: #60745924  \ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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