
If you're planning on using a CD, this should help. I think you're using
a hard disk, so you'll need to, perhaps, adapt this to your scenario.
This is how you work with a CD...

1.) You need to create a lrpkg.cfg file. Place this file in the
directory from which you're creating your .iso image. If you're creating
your CD by the instructions for Bering, you want this file to be in the
C:\DCD\diskcontent directory. The ONLY thing in this file (in your case)
should be-

2.) Make SURE you don't have any spaces, returns, etc. at the end of the
package declarations (or at the front of it before root)

Then make your syslinux.cfg file look like- 

display syslinux.dpy
timeout 0
default linux initrd=initrd.lrp syst_size=20M init=/linuxrc
root=/dev/ram0 boot=/dev/hda1:msdos PKGPATH=/dev/hda1

4.) Rename your syslinux.cfg file to isolinux.cfg

5.) Re-burn your new .iso file and re-make a new CD from the .iso file


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