> > I think Charles hit the nail on the head when he said:
> >
> > cs> You have to point the DMZ systems at the IP of dnscache, *NOT*
> > cs> as tinydns does not do recursive queries.  I think that's the
root of
> > cs> your problem.  Switch the IP in your non-working DMZ resolv.conf
to the
> > cs> IP used by hosts on your internal network, and the DMZ systems
should be
> > cs> able to resolve names.
> I agree with this; but, *HOW* can I point to that ip while on a
> proxy-arp dmz?
> For that matter, what is that ip?

That IP is, which is *ANY* valid IP on your firewall.  From a
previous mail:

> root@bluetrout:/root
> # netstat -anp | grep dns
> (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info
>  will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.)
> tcp  0  0*  LISTEN  28373/dnscache
> udp  0  0*          28373/dnscache
> udp  0  0*          28326/tinydns
> udp  0  0*          28324/tinydns

Looks like you have tinydns listening on (your WAN
interface, IIRC), and (loopback).  These specific IP's will go
to tinydns...queries to all other IP's will go to dnscache.  I can't
tell you exactly which IP's to use, since I haven't seen your full IP
configuration data (at least I couldn't find it in a quick scan of
previous messages in this thread).

You should have at least two other IP's assigned on this system...the
IP's assigned to the internal network NIC and the DMZ nic.  You can use
either one of these (or both) as the DNS server IP for your internal and
DMZ systems.  Note, however, that with both internal and DMZ systems
pointed to the same dnscache process, you can't split off the internal
(private.network) name-space.  If you really need this feature, I think
you'll need to run multiple dnscache instances, attached to seperate
IP's, or take the leap to bind 9.x, which supports multiple views.

NOTE:  If you're running your proxy-arp DMZ with the DMZ interface
assigned the same IP as your external interface, you may need to assign
another unique IP to the firewall in order to have enough IP's to bind
multiple instances of dnscache to.  Alternatively, you could try adding
another IP to the internal NIC, and bind an additional dnscache process
to that (which has the benifit of not consuming another public
IP)...IIRC, queries to IP's that are *NOT* on the DMZ network, but are
local to the firewall will only traverse the input & output chains, not
the forward chain, so you shouldn't have too much trouble tweaking
firewall rules to get this to work.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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