Peter, thanks again for your comments.

Hopefully this will be the final question!

I've now compiled a kernel using the 2.4.20 sources and the Bering
config file.

I used:

make clean
make dep
make bzImage

and ended up with a kernel of 640KB, whereas the "linux" file on the
Bering floppy is a mere 518KB.

Could adding Math Emulation have added that much?

Or should I have entered something different from "make bzImage", i.e.
is there some command that creates a smaller file?

Or is there something else wrong?

If anyone could help me over this final hurdle, it would be much

If I do get to the stage of having a decent, small, non-FPU kernel
based on 2.4.20, is this something that could be stored on the
website for other people with ancient 486SXs?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Mueller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 February 2003 23:22
> To: 'Nick Taylor'; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> Subject: RE: [leaf-user] Bering Kernel Source?
> Hi Nick,
> > I've downloaded the source for kernel 2.4.20 from
> great
> > I'm assuming that using the config file that you pointed me to,
> > adjusted so that the Math-Emulation flag is on, I should be able
> > to build the kernel that I need?
> mod it however you'd like, but be a little careful with the 
> modules like
> iptables (leave them the way they are unless you want to 
> create a custom
> modules.lrp).
> > The patches that were in the 1.1 directory:
> > 
> > bridge-nf-0.0.7-against-2.4.19.diff.gz
> > grsecurity-1.9.9c-2.4.20.patch.gz
> > helpers-2.4.20.patch.gz
> > linux-2.4.19-openssl-0.9.6b-mppe.patch.gz
> I didn't apply these to mine, but you might want them.  I know the
> openssl-mppe patch is for PPTP functionality and the 
> bridge-nf is some kind
> of unusual bridging patch.  By looking at the source or using 
> google you can
> probably find out what the other two are fairly quickly.
> > I assume that I apply all of these to the 2.4.20 source that I've
> > obtained? Is that correct? I guess I'm a little confused as some
> > of these patches appear to be for 2.4.19...
> Usually when you see older versions in a "CURRENT" directory 
> it means the
> patches will apply cleanly to the current.  So in this case I 
> would assume
> the 2.4.19's will apply against 2.4.20.
> > Once I've done all that, I'm also assuming that I can use the
> > precompiled modules for 2.4.20 without having to worry about
> > recompiling them too.
> yes, AFAIK.  if you have problems you can always make modules 
> and replace
> the problem modules with ones from your specific build.
> > Could someone let me know if I'm way off track here?
> AFAIK you're ok.. you're pretty much doing what I did and it 
> worked for me.
> Hopefully we're not both off track. ;)
> P

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