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Michael D Schleif wrote:

| * Charles Steinkuehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[2005:03:14:05:59:33-0600] scribed:
| <snip />
|> If you're familiar with Dachstein-CD, customizing my Bering-CD ISO is
|> probably the easiest way to go.  You'll need to come up to speed on:
|> - Shorewall
|> - The new init scripts, which now use a leaf.cfg file to provide additional
|> run-time configuration when booting from a CD or other read-only device (no
|> more burning a new CD to change the size of your root ramdisk!).
|> When I transitioned to Bering-CD, the process was fairly straight-forward. I
|> had to re-create my firewall setup in shorewall, obviously, but was able to
|> port my configuration files (partial backups) from ssh, ipsec, snmp, and
|> other packages directly to the new Bering system, so the upgrade was easier
|> than you might think (although not a simple "CD Swap" like earlier
|> Dachstein-CD upgrades).
| <snip />
| Thank you, Charles!
| I am going through Bering-CD in hopes of quickly understanding how it
| works.  I have a couple of questions:
| [1] What is initrd.lrp?
|     When I dissect bootdisk.bin, I get this:
|       # ls -al
|       total 1052
|       drwxr-sr-x  2 mds  mds    4096 Mar 15 17:03 .
|       drwxr-sr-x  4 mds  mds    4096 Mar 15 15:36 ..
|       -rwxr--r--  1 root root 506328 Mar 23  2004 initrd.lrp
|       -r-xr--r--  1 root root   6920 Oct 11  2001 ldlinux.sys
|       -rwxr--r--  1 root root    776 Mar 12  2004 leaf.cfg
|       -rwxr--r--  1 root root 529079 Feb 23  2004 linux
|       -rwxr--r--  1 root root    272 Mar 10  2004 syslinux.cfg
|       -rwxr--r--  1 root root   1058 Feb 24  2004 syslinux.dpy
|     Unfortunately, initrd.lrp appears to be nearly 1/2-MB in size; but,
|     is devoid of content ?!?!  This returns *nothing*:
|       # sudo tar tvfz initrd.lrp

The initrd.lrp is a 'traditional' linux initial ramdisk: a gzipped
filesystem image.  Unzip it and mount it with a loopback device.

| [2] What are the rules for syslinux.cfg?
|     Is there necessary sequence and/or precedence in the LRP= entries?
|     With DCD, this was the necessary beginning sequence:
|       etc,local,ramlog

It works pretty much the same as DCD, although there's now supoprt for a
leaf.cfg file, which can contain pretty much anything you could previously
put in syslinux.cfg (including setting the size of the various ramdisk
images).  See the readme, the Bering-uClibc docs (both Bering and
Bering-uClibc use the new init scritps with leaf.cfg, but I think the uC
folks have been more on top of updating documentation, the devel list
archives from around the time of my BCD creation, and the readme and
changelog in the linuxrc tarballs found on my site:


|     Is there a character length limit?

Only in the size you can make leaf.cfg, which is only limited by your
storage media and/or filesystem (ie: no limit).  Syslinux.cfg (or any other
boot loader) remains limited by the kernel's 256 character line limit.

|     As long as I am editing this now, I may as well best use of my
|     common packages.
| [3] How do I re-create bootdisk.bin on Debian?  I used to use some
|     windoze program for making these boot images; but, I'm down to only
|     one windoze box, and I'd prefer to go strictly Linux with this ;)

Mount the bootdisk.bin file using a loopback device, edit away, then dd the
file to your floppy disk.

| [4] The new config-only backup could be cool.  I had built my own, years
|     ago, called zzz.lrp.  My approach is to gather *all* configuration
|     files into one (1) zzz.lrp file, and install that one dead last in
|     the bootup process, and remote backup *only* that one (1) file from
|     each of several dozen DCD's.  Unfortunately, that required an
|     exhaustive re-write of the /var/lib/lrpkg/* files, because often
|     they were carelessly written, and did not suffice for identifying
|     critical config files.
|     How have you addressed this issue?

Yes, in DCD.  You should read the DCD readme about partial backups, which
work the same in Bering, Bering-uClibc, and Bering-CD.  Basically you boot a
'virgin' CD, configure your package(s), the go to the lrcfg backup menu, set
the backup destination to floppy (or other writable device), set the backup
type to partial, and backup your configuration changes.  I typically use the
shortcut 'all packages' when setting destination and type then reboot to
check everything...the settings only 'stick' for the packages you actually

Configuration files are specified by a <package>.local file, or if that is
missing, any files owned by the package that reside in /etc/ or
/var/lib/lrpkg/ are assumed to be configuration files.

| [5] When I need to compile a package, I will need a development
|     environment.  Can I assume that the docs contain necessary
|     instructions for doing this chroot on Debian?

Bering uses the same libraries as Dachstein, so you can build in the same

| Thank you, all of you, for your continued efforts with LEAF.
| P.S., Please, Charles, keep me in the loop on all updates you make to
| Bering-CD.  It looks like, for now, I can do without Bering-uClibc.

I may be swithcing to Bering-uClibc...the libc used by Dachstein and Bering
is getting pretty long in the tooth (several newer programs won't even
compile against it), and it seems to make more sense to switch to uClibc
rather than a current glibc for something like a firewall.

Regardless, there likely won't be a lot of activity on my Bering-CD.

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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