Has anyone on the list successfully modeled a virtual WAN
infrastructure, or at least built a functional LEAF router within UML or
Xen? If so, I'd appreciate any suggestions you may have on the quickest
way to setup this virtual WAN.

I've been looking at 3 different virtualization methods to create VM's
in which to design and test a set of LEAF routers. These will then be
installed in flash drive or DOC on new hardware to replace routers in an
existing WAN infrastructure. To be effective I'll need between 9 and 12
VM's, 5 of which will be LEAF routers and the remainder test client
hosts. The LEAF routers will require 6, 5, 5, 5, and 3 NICS. I'd prefer
that none of them send traffic out on the "real" network during testing,
but are capable of isolated interconnectivity.

VMware limits VM's to 3 NICs each and has bloated memory requirements.
Xen looks like it's very efficient with host resources, but requires
kernel mods in the guest.
UML seems popular among LEAF users but I can find precious little on its
use with LEAF.

I have not used Xen or UML. I have begun building some limited function
LEAF routers in VMware, but I'm hamstrung by the NIC limitations and
memory requirements.

Host Platform:

Dell Precision 360
CPU: 2.4 GHz P4, 512 cache
HD: 60 GB

Suggestions are welcome!

--Cal Webster

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