Hello cpu,

That would be nice but I don't think a 'small' script would be enough and we 
really don't have the time to create such an installer.
But if someone on this list can create a generic installer, independent of a 
specific Bering(-uClibc) version which can be used on both linux and Windows, 
that would be interesting.


>Eric, I understand, but a small installation script could solve these
>problems. -cpu
>Eric Spakman wrote:
>>It would be nice if that was possible, but unfortuanatly like Luis
>told, it's not that easy. For example, we don't know which device is
>the bootdevice, hda1, hdb1, something else? In my case it's hdc1. So
>editing leaf.cfg and syslinux.cfg is still needed.
>>An other problem is how to put the image on the CF, with 'dd'? That's
>really a strange UNIX command.
>>I'm also not sure if the size of the image must be the same as the CF
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