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Eric Spakman wrote:

| Hello cpu,
|>Anyhow, I feel that lrcfg is in need of a major overhaul. I?m sure many
|>will disagree, but, you can?t start/stop services from within lrcfg.
| That would be a nice addition.

There's the command-line "svi", but you can't call this while inside lrcfg.

|>And it would be nice to be able to save a package while in a package
|>menu (incidentally, I added this capability :).
| Why not share your work with the community ;-)

This does sound handy.

|>Another problem with
|>lrcfg is that once you have more than 20 config options they scroll off
|>the screen.
| True, that's becoming an issue with the shorwall package. Someone having a
solution for it?

I use ssh, and just drag the window to a larger size.  :-)

If you're stuck at the (real) console screen, <shift><page-up> still works.

Also, you can always pass vga=<whatever> to the kernel (assuming this
functionality has been left in the Bering kernels) to get more characters on
the screen.  There's probably a way to do this at runtime as well, but it's
been so long since I messed with an actual console (most of my systems are
now "headless" with serial terminal consoles & BIOS redirection) I don't
remember how...

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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