
ddparker wrote:
Hi All,

     I still consider myself to be a newbie to leaf and Linux in general
and found myself corrupting files on a CF Disk.

I had to learn the hard way so I thought I would share my woes.  I have
been working with Troy Aden (Thanks Troy) getting beta 4 to work on CF
as described by Peter Mueller (Thanks Peter for the How-TO) .

My .02

will corrupt the CF disk.

It is not really _that_ bad. The only package which is attempted is root.lrp and, of course, a backup of all packages (which includes root). Then it is not only hda1 which causes trouble, anything mounted _and_ not in /var/lib/lrpkg/root.exclude.list may corrupt your CF.

I, for example, mount my CF partition on /CF, so I added

/dev/hda1           /CF             auto     noauto     0       0

to /etc/fstab and prepended the following to var/lib/lrpkg/root.exclude.list


the first enables me to just say

mount /CF

and the latter asserts that the mount does not lead to a corrupted root.lrp. Of course, this is not a complete solution to the problem, but it takes away a lot of the risk involved.

LEAF allows you to do a lot of customized set up, with mounting whatever you feel to be necessary. This is difficult to cover in a script. Consider the case of a mounted USB device which might show up as /dev/sda1.

there is one thing I would set as my .02

Be extra careful when backing up root.lrp or the full disk content. Always leave write confirm on and check the size of the generated lrp package.



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