Am 29.03.2016 um 10:42 schrieb Bob von Knobloch:
> On 29/03/16 10:31, Erich Titl wrote:
>> So this proves that the driver is correctly installed.
>> You can connect to the internal interfaces.
>> What does ip addr / ip link show?
> I don't follow this.
>  From a fresh boot:
> ip addr shows only the mac address (no bound ipv4) on eth0 (eth 1 & 2 
> show correctly their ip/mac).

Does it show a ppp interface?

> If I issue (by hand) "ip addr add x.y.z.q/24 dev eth0", then the address 
> appears, bound to eth0. This seems to show that the driver is OK.

There is no HW damage

> It seems only that the boot-time script is failing to add it.

There is no extra boot-time script. 'ifup eth0' should configure the
interface just the same as ip addr add .....

Would you mind to post your entire /etc/network/interfaces file, also
the contents of




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