On 24.09.2016 13:05, Erich Titl wrote:
> Am 24.09.2016 um 09:06 schrieb Andrew:
>> Hi.
>> On 24.09.2016 04:22, Erich Titl wrote:
>>> I never understood why the standard resolver
>>> file was not used, but this is all personal preference. If dhcpcd would
>>> write to /etc/resolv.conf and dnsmasq would read from it (as it does on
>>> my installation) then all this would is moot, because /etc/resolv.conf
>>> is saved as it is the standard.
>> Maybe because host system also uses dnsmasq as caching DNS relay - so it
>> require '' in /etc/resolv.conf
> I _believe_ it should be possible to force such behaviour by placing
> into resolv.conf.head.
> cheers
> Erich
I think that dnsmasq will try to query itself (because 1st line is

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