
Am 24.01.2017 um 22:23 schrieb David M Brooke:
I’ve also thought about preserving the contents of dnsmasq,leases. Sometimes I 
scp that file to another machine before a BuC reboot then scp it back again 
(and “svi dnsmasq restart”) afterwards.

It’s not a huge issue to lose the DHCP leases themselves; mostly the pain comes 
from DNS not knowing about DHCP-allocated addresses (which dnsmasq takes care 
of automagically) after a router reboot, until the leases are renewed.

Would adding a script to /etc/rc0.d/ work as a trigger to save the file - at 
least for a planned reboot?

Why not put it to the stop command? The planned reboot should go through these unless the scripts are broken.

 If the power dies then there’s not much you can do.
I agree it would be overkill to re-save the file for every lease renewal.

John’s comment about ntp.drift is a good one and there is other ‘runtime state’ 
that might benefit from being saved - e.g. vnstat traffic statistics.
Arguably those settings are different from ‘static config’.

And should therefore not go into config. I believe it all depends n the media. If you have a modern board which supports mSATA then why not write it do your mSATA disk on a different partition. Then you might also save each and every lease.

For the DNS issue, well if you need to preserve addresses or DNS resolution, then make those leases static. That is what they are for. The rest is really dynamic.



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