Hi Jean Roch

Am 22.04.2017 um 06:33 schrieb Jean-Roch Blais:
Hello Erich,

Le 21 avr. 2017 à 14:36, Erich Titl <erich.t...@think.ch> a écrit :


Am 20.04.2017 um 14:16 schrieb Jean-Roch Blais:
Hello list,

trying to upgrade my firmware on my brand new APU2C2 (2 Gigs of memory) I get 
this strange message in syslog … :

Apr 20 13:37:37 firewall upgrade: Your system has insufficient temporary 
storage available for
Apr 20 13:37:37 firewall upgrade: upgrade to run successfully. Please check the 
size of your
Apr 20 13:37:37 firewall upgrade: /tmp file system and increase it to at least 
60000 MB
<>this calls for 60000 MB, there must be a typo error here, any ideas ?

Must be a typo in the message, I believe. I will check the respective
calculation to verify.

You could still try to increase the size, trying to find the correct
value. Unfortunately the calculation is based on the size needed to add
all the respective packages, which is probably a wrong assumption. But
the 60000 is definitely a typo.

I think the command “top” should give us a fairly accurate memory usage size 
for any number of packages one might have. In my case I have:
LRP="root license local bbnameif dhcpcd keyboard shorwall shorwall6 dnsmasq 
dropbear mhttpd bbntpd heyu wakelan openssl webconf curl”
and the command “top” gives me:

It is not a question on how much memory the system uses, but how much temporary storage is available. Unfortunately because we need to replace complete packages I need to decide if the configuration files for such a package needs to / can be adjusted, so when upgrading the package needs to be somehow unpacked to check this. This requires some temporary storage which on a traditional LEAF box is set to a pretty low value, hence the complicated (and probably inaccurate) check.

The 60000 MB is caused by using the wrong variable to display a guessed minimal size.



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