Agreed. And I believe that the terms TU0, TU1, and TU2 and the corresponding UT0, UT1, and UT2, predated the introduction of UTC and so it was "natural" to extend the series to TUC and UTC for Coordinated Universal Time.
-- Richard

Quoting Steve Allen <>:

On Tue 2011-02-01T16:53:24 -0700, Rob Seaman hath writ:
What would that be in French? Probably "Temps something something", right? The acronym would presumably have to avoid both UTC for the English and Txx for the French. Maybe CUT as described at:

Alas for NIST, this web snippet is not consistent with the written
record in the proceedings of the CCIR 1970 Plenary Assembly.

In the adopted recommendation on page 227 of volume 3 (which is in
French) the only time scale repeatedly mentioned is
"temps universel (TU)".

In the description of the events leading to the new recommendation on
page 182 of volume 7 (which is in English) the text reads
"improvement of the U.T.C. (Universal Coordinated Time) system"
but the summary of the content of the new recommendation
repeatedly and only mentions "Universal Time (U.T.)"

I deem the NIST explanation to be ex post facto and ad hoc.

Steve Allen                 <>                WGS-84 (GPS)
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