WowŠattempted discussion of religion/theology/faith on the Leeds List!

Camels:  Check.

God:  Not so much.

Michael A. Gardiner
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On 1/10/13 4:00 AM, ""
<> wrote:

>Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 11:01:07 +0000 (GMT)
>From: "" <>
>Subject: Re: [LU] [non-LU] I love it when people argue about religion
> <
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>Sorry Gav, but no...the short version of this to my eyes is "I believe in
>Christianity, therefore it is right." (I'd be happy to substitute
>"religion" for
>"Christianity" in that summary)
>"Evidence" - is scientific, impirical and fact based - there may well
>have been
>a historical figure called Jesus (son of Mary and Joseph), but there is no
>evidence for him being the son of a deity. That does not diminish the
>of some of the things it is claimed that he said, or the philiosophies of
>he is said to have espoused. That makes him a sound bloke, not the son of
>Similarly a refusal to believe in deities does not mean that life is
>"grim" -
>life is beautiful, wonderful, awe-inspring, awful, confusing, confounding
>and a
>million other things (including grim).
>I don't expect or need a reply - we differ, that's all - nor do I want to
>continue a "religion war of words" on the list...although I heartily
>agree with
>Dave Brennan, that the diversity of discussion on here, is one of the
>that I stay on here (and press delete when not interested) - but I
>couldn't let
>your email pass. Human history is filled with great stories - that is
>part of
>who we are and part of the joy of being human, but evidence to back the
>of super-human existence, simply does not exist - no more for the bible
>than it
>does for Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table or Aesop's Fables -
>but we
>use them to illustrate "ways of living" or "cautionary tales"...that is
>On 09 January 2013 at 17:42 Gav Burnage <>
>>OK, here we go then, a quick one-off response for a change ? with
>>apologies and please delete / jog on down the digest if you?re
>>uninterested, easily offended, or an atheist botherer.
>>To be honest, I?ve got no real interest in religion, whatever it is, and
>>need or desire to defend it.
>>My Christian faith, on the other hand, is based on reason. It?s perfectly
>>reasonable to assume that we and the universe we live in are the creation
>>of an enormous power way above our comprehension. (And if it?s true, it?s
>>profoundly unreasonable to think otherwise).
>>It?s also based on evidence ? Jesus said he was that powerful God
>>intervening as a human being to get us out of the fine mess we?ve got
>>ourselves into. (Happy Christmas!)
>>To that end, he lived our life, died our death, for us ? and then
>>physically rose again to a new kind of existence.
>>That is a very unusual claim: then, as now, dead people, especially those
>>beaten up and tortured to death, don?t just rise up to a new kind of
>>they remain stubbornly dead. But that?s the claim here ? and it?s a
>>straightforward historical Yes/No prove-all: If Jesus really rose,
>>physically, then happy endings are here to stay, along with faith, hope
>>love, and mankind really is onto a winner. (Happy Easter!)
>>If he didn?t, Christians are the saddest cases in existence. At least,
>>that?s what the bible says.
>>The more I find out about the bible, the more gobsmacked I am by it. So
>>many different books, stories, documents, and accounts, written by people
>>(ostensibly at least), for people, over hundreds, even thousands of
>>which join together in such a coherent and profound whole, showing how
>>loved and saved us by becoming one of us. The Bible says how he said he
>>going to do it, and then says from first-hand eye-witness accounts how he
>>did do it. And it gives a few tantalizing pointers into the amazing
>>ahead too. No historical documents have been subject to as much scrutiny,
>>claim, and counter-claim, and still held up. Check it out.
>>There?s reason, there?s evidence, and there?s also experience. The
>>spiritual experiences I and millions of others have had confirm that
>>is alive and active right here and now.
>>And now I?ve seen too much, and there?s no going back. Drug addicts and
>>drunks clean and sober, living well. People in even the worst, most
>>inexplicable kind of suffering helped, healed and given heartfelt,
>>hope, enough to hold on. And there's no one beyond this. Not even me.
>>If there is no God and everything is random, then good and bad and even
>>reason and life itself is all a specious temporary irrelevance on a
>>mind-bogglingly enormous scale, and ?we?re all doomed? in a lugubrious
>>Scottish undertaker accent, doesn?t even begin to come close to how grim
>>"things" really are.
>>And finally: Football is all about teamwork and support networks in the
>>joint pursuit of a higher goal, at every level. How can footie fans, of
>>people, not "believe" in "organized religion"? All the singing,
>>and self-righteous offence-taking? All the worship of player-idols, all
>>baying for the blood and sacrifice of inadequate managers? All the boring
>>legalistic stattoes? All the ritualised drinking of alcohol? The heaps of
>>cash, and the hopes of trophy glory? All the mindless turning up even
>>it's boring and rubbish? And not to mention the endless hatred and even
>>ongoing, non-metaphorical smiting of enemy tribes? Flip me, even this
>>list requires organization, policemen and cash to keep going.
>>Mustn't get on the high horse tho, I've been there and done all that too
>>course (apart from the smiting, obviously?). But then, like I say, I'm
>>really out to defend 'religion'. I think the local church is the way
>>forward - a bunch of people trusting Jesus meeting to worship God and
>>with him and each other in and for the world. And in that fallen world,
>>there are well-run clubs and badly run clubs and indifferently run clubs;
>>there are good supporters, bad supporters, indifferent supporters etc
>>That bible book also suggests it?s going to be like this till Jesus shows
>>up again to finish off once and for all the good work he?s started.
>>Back to lurk, and to work,
>>DaRealRev, Church of the Real Man ? Jesus Christ
>>(Sorry for shamelessly nicking your old tagline John :-)
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>>PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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