It's what happened at the time.
No other teams were in for him with £7m. No other teams were in for him  
without expecting us to contribute to his wages. It was not his decision to 
go.  The club sold him. He was entitled to a loyalty bonus, which he waived.
Do you seriously expect professional sportsmen to play for nothing? Would  
you do your job for nothing in order to save your employer?
In a message dated 17/12/2013 13:36:16 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Where is this info from? Lorimer? Same guy who said Howson had to go,  
Grayson had to go etc etc.

I just don't buy it - sorry but other teams were in for him. The ship was  
sunk anyway and if he was such a hero he would have deferred  wages.

Sent from my iPhone

On 17 Dec 2013, at 21:33, _MarkBursa@aol.com_ (  

OK, run through the alternatives to selling Smith to the only club that  
tabled an offer that got him off the payroll and helped bail out the sinking  
ship with £7m?
In a message dated 17/12/2013 13:22:56 GMT Standard Time, 
_ianjamesmurray@hotmail.com_ (   writes:

Facts as stated by whom? I see opinion and statements from  people with an 
interest - I don't see objective facts. The only objective  fact is we went 
down and he decided to sign for them. Our fans were  already at a low ebb 
and definitely did not need that. 

You think  he saved the club?  Proposterous.

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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