On Mon, 10 May 2021 at 14:22, Nicholas Armit <arm...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Yes I would agree with that. But to point out poor performances from
> players is OK I think as long as it it is reasonable (in tone I mean.)
> Though TBH Michael Brown was effin shit....

I think it's actually quite rare - this season at least - to be able to
spot an individually poor performance that cost us the match. Meslier's
fuckups at Arsenal (which he's not repeated), and Alioski giving away the
penalty against Brighton stand out*. But it's usually been a collective
issue - we've sat too deep and isolated Bamford, for example; or Alioski
and Harrison haven't combined well in attack.

Michael Brown, on the other hand, was a useless fucking cunt.


*Even that has to be balanced against just how much he's improved over the
last two months at left-back.
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