Wow!  EXCELLENT job!  You do Impressive work! 
Again, I DO believe that you used to work in Phantom Engineering (& Toolworks' "Skunkworks") - working on turning the Woodchuck into the LOM -  before your current job.
(By the way, I won't tell you where, but it appears you missed painting a small spot Legacy Red on your project.  THAT will drive you nuts!)

-----Original Message-----
From: 'joe biunno' via Legacy Ornamental Mills
Sent: Mar 20, 2015 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: "Z" axis template follower

okay, down and dirty...finished!...and working very well...definitely can follow a template with the router going up and down with no issues...very light to the touch...not totally weightless, as i was hoping, but that was unrealistic to expect that to happen...there is enough drag on the linear bearings,the slides on the counter balance carriage and the chain sprocket bearings to require just a bit of effort to make it go up and the router extending forward as much as it does(due to the tilting, rotary table) also puts additional drag on the linear bearings...but all in all, very pleased with how it is working...and when not doing template work, the router goes up and down effortlessly when using the hand crank...a few minor tweaks to do, adding a second bearing to the acme thread so it does not "wobble" when turning the crank wheel(probably due the added length of the acme threaded rod),a ball bearing at the bottom of the acme thread, and maybe a minor thing or two...otherwise, time to move on...and now for the hard part, as this was not as difficult as what i might expect the next part of this mod might be...and that is, a template follower pin/bearing of some, if it's just a pin to follow a pattern where the router is simply going up and down, that is not to difficult...but do i get greedy and think that the router could follow a pattern, go up and down AND also go in and out, to follow a pattern along the "X" axis at the same time...that aspect would make the design of the template follower, somewhat complex...and then there is also the making of a holder for the pattern itself...and since my rails are 20" (+/-) apart, it gets a bit more complicated because of that...but i'll be waiting a bit before i tackle those problems...and maybe someone out there in "legacy" land might have an idea or two about those issues...anyhow, a good weekend to all and as always, all comments welcome and appreciated...thanks...joe

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