I suppose there are inventors and salesmen, They probably do not go 
together  . And secondly Manufactures often make more money out of spares, 
The LOM 's I have don't require many, and if they do I can make them or get 
someone local to make them.

On Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 4:47:53 AM UTC, Tim wrote:
> I had a conversation with Andy Anderson of Legacy and he has asked me to 
> forward this email to the group.  
> -------- Forwarded Message -------- 
> Dear Tim,
> I can see the confusion caused by our statement but if you understand that 
> support, to us, means coaching and producing new training materials for a 
> product and of course manufacturing means we still build new OM's then it 
> becomes quite clear. I can see that a longer, wordier explanation could 
> have been used to tell the story but I'm sure that those determined to 
> complain would have found something in the longer explanation to complain 
> about too.  With a little effort say, a phone call to me, and the whole 
> story could have been told on the thread but telling the truth, getting the 
> whole story onto the forum, is not what some of those making comments on 
> the thread intended.   
> Some of the claims and statements made in the thread are incorrect and 
> some just not true and if any of these folks had an ounce of courage they 
> would have spoken to me instead of wasting their time and yours in an 
> online conversation with others that definitely don't have the answers 
> either.  I have an 800 number, I'm at extension 11. The call is free. I'm 
> not hiding.  800 279 4570
> If they had have called me they would find out we still sell, build, and 
> use index hubs in our CNC systems, pilaster dogs as well.  We still build 
> and stock many of the  gears and gear sets, spit nuts and other items that 
> go missing or wear out over time.  We sell them to people that buy second 
> hand OMs at yard and estate sales quite often.  Of course if these new 
> owners were to join the misinformed on this google group and believed the 
> nonsense that they read they may not been able to buy these items because 
> they believed the myth that we don't provide any customer service for our 
> OM's and they would not have called and receive the parts they needed.  You 
> can see why I don't encourage people to join the group. Of course, it is 
> true, that we no longer stock many of the parts required to build an OM 
> from scratch.  If you back your car over your OM in the garage I'm afraid I 
> won't be able to help you. 
> Until I read through this latest thread I might have been willing to 
> allow someone to use my designs and drawings to build replacement parts for 
> OM owners but I can't see the point of working with people as misinformed, 
> ignorant, arrogant, and unwilling to investigate to find the truth as those 
> that were commenting on the thread today. If the google group forum isn't a 
> place to find the facts then what exactly is it's purpose?  As I pointed 
> out in our conversation this morning, many of the comments were made by 
> people who don't really want solutions, they don't want the truth, they 
> want to do damage.  
> The irony is that after inflicting as much damage as they can with their 
> ignorant comments they complain that I don't spend enough time and money 
> supporting them and they complain that I'm not reasonable.  After they put 
> in jeopardy the jobs and the future of the 20 families that work at Legacy 
> I am supposed to give them whatever they want.   
> A reasonable request to use my designs and drawings, made directly to me 
> not to others in the group, would have been carefully considered but how 
> many potential customers are going to read through this latest pile of 
> misinformation and pure crap and buy another brand CNC machine because they 
> were frightened off by these comments? I can't say, but it will happen.  
> Those making the ignorant and uninformed comments in this thread don't seem 
> to be able to connect the dots.  Damage Legacy and you damage all OM 
> owners. 
> Why should I work with individuals that can't make such a simple and 
> logical deduction?  Why do you allow them to comment on the forum?  This 
> type of blind ignorance tells to me that there is no future in working with 
> these people at all, however, it seems that there are only 4 or 5 without 
> the intelligence to connect the dots.  These same 4 or 5 are consistently 
> trying to do as much damage as possible without regard for the other OM 
> owners.  As long as they continue to use this google group as a public 
> platform I can't and I won't work with or support the rest of the group.  I 
> suggest that, for the sake of the group and all OM owners, it's time to 
> clean house. 
> Andy Anderson, Legacy Woodworking Machinery

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