Hi Tim,
Pretty cool!  For sure!  Thanks for sharing.
You mentioned that the assembly is held together by the o-ring.  The unintended consequence of the feature is you are also benefiting from the slight amount of friction (grab) that the o-ring provides - helping to keep the block being secured from slipping.  Have you given thought to using two o-rings - each in a groove 1/3 down/up from the top/bottom?

I'm going to have to label you "The Alexander Graham Bell of the LOM"!  Great work.

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim
Sent: Sep 18, 2019 5:21 AM
To: "legacy-ornamental-mills@googlegroups.com"
Subject: TK Made Items



From: Tim
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 1:52 AM
To: Tim
Subject: RE: TK Made Items


On last thing for the new day.  I needed to be able to grab something from the inside.  What I came up with was a simple design taken from expanding chucks.  I just scaled the up a bit.



What you are looking at is a disk made from pvc.  The inner parts of the four pieces have a countersink that matches a a custom part A screw comes up from the bottom.  When the assembly is turned the screw tightens and expands the 4 jaws.  A O-Ring keeps it together.  Tightening the screw from below also makes the jaws expand.  Please note, this only works on my custom rotary table with the center that is drilled and tapped. 




Here’s a demonstration of the part in use.




You can see how the jaws have expanded.  You should be able to see how this benefits work holding with open and closed items on the rotary table.  I liked this so much that I made a full set of expanding jaws in ¼” increment that I use.


Pretty cool stuff right?



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