Lloyd, I am not fully clear as to what you are saying but may I initially clarify one or two points. It is not necessary to put your pictures in the Picture folder in Legacy (although apart from taking up more memory, if you don't delete the originals, there is nothing wrong with doing this.) Secondly Legacy only remembers the path as to where the pictures are and finally the Picture List only shows those pictures which have been linked to a person or event etc.

This only leads to four possibilities:
1) the path is incorrect
2) the file name is incorrect
3) the picture is not linked to anything
4) the picture isn't in the folder

If 2) and 4) are correct, as you say, then the problem would seem to be either 1) or 3), so the first thing I would do is to check that the picture is linked to something.

There is one remote possiblity that I have come across and that is that the file extension is incorrect ie the extension given in the name is wrong. You can check this by trying to open the picture in Irfan View which will tell you if this is the case. (other programs may also do this but I don't know of one.)

Ron Ferguson


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Reply-To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: [LegacyUG] Multimedia Files
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 13:27:17 EST

Hello List,
What is the proper way to put pictures in Legacy? I have a folder in My
Pictures named Obituary Pictures and I copied the file and pasted it in the
Picture folder in Legacy. I have open the file and verified all the pictures in it, however, when I open Legacy and click on a person to add the picture to and
then click on Tools> Picture Center or whatever, most of the pictures will
show in the list but, two or three will not show in the list. I can open the folder in Legacy and they are there with the correct file extension. I will get the message that the file cannot be found and if I want to search for it. I have tried everything I know to do including deleting the picture folder and
reloading it to uninstalling Legacy and reinstalling it. Does anyone have
any advice on how to correct the problem?

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