Hi Cathy,

I'm not going to disagree with you but I have absolutely no recollection of ever having created it! I've assumed it was there by default since I spotted it (or perhaps respotted it) a while back which was when I got 2 different versions of my web settings mixed up. Must say that that made life interesting for a while ;-)

Ron Ferguson


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Reply-To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Which files do I back up?
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:40:51 +0800

Hi Ron,
Settings isn't a default folder - unless it's very recently been introduced. It's one you've chosen to create to save Report Settings etc.
I also have created a folder but mine is called Report Options ;-)

When you are saving report or web page options, like in all save dialogues, you have the choice of where you save them. It's a good idea to create a special folder so that they are easily backed up. Also give the files a useful name so it's easy to choose which one to load.

I have Karen's Replicator set up to save my .usr files (along with bits and pieces from other programs) to my Backup folder - which I then backup to my external hard drive and periodically cut to CD. Like all settings, the .usr files can be recreated but it takes time going through Options > Customise etc.

Other "settings" you might want to backup are Colour Schemes you've created.


At 06:19 AM 28/11/2006, you wrote:

June, assuming that you used the Legacy default installation, it is in C:\Legacy and comes after the Legacy Home and Pictures folders. The usr files which you see are those generated by Legacy (personally I don't bother to back them up as Legacy will recreate them when reinstalled) and the folder is at the top before you get to them

Ron Ferguson

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