Very good question!

Not that I'm aware of. In fact it is generally considered better if you do NOT put data under a program folder - because if you put ALL your data files in folders under one folder (MS-Word, Excel, Legacy, etc), it makes an overall data backup much easier. While if you put your data under each program's program folder, you've really got a challenge when it comes to making backups and/or locating and restoring files. That's kinda why Windows came up with MY DOCUMENTS folder, but I don't like all the other junk they put in there. Anyway, since Legacy defaults to a DATA folder under its program folder, I've just always left it in branches UNDER that DATA folder. But that would be easy enough to change and would probably be a good idea if you are good about doing data backups and such. So this would, indeed probably be better:
Old school thought - keep each directory name to 8 characters or less for backwards compatibility with others that may still be using older versions of Windows. That way if you share, they can use the same structure for the picture locations and such.

Of course w Vista, you do NOT want Legacy in your individual MY DOCUMENTS folder - otherwise other folks that also use that computer may not be able to get to the files. (This is assuming you have individual log-ins for each person. If you use one common log-in for everyone, or if you are the only user of the computer, then it really doesn't matter. Or if you do NOT want others getting into this data, then you are also safe putting it in your own individual MY DOCUMENTS folder.) You can make your own folder like you did (C:\MYDOCS or whatever ), or Vista has a public MY DOCUMENTS folder (but I find that public one awkward to use!).

P.S. - yes, this is the same person that posted the below directory path suggestion. It just dawned on me that I was using my "main" e-mail address on a usergroup. And there are many usergroups that can be "farmed" by spammers and then you start getting lots of junk mail. Not sure how secure Legacy's list is, but figured it was time I went the safe route. So I made a free Gmail account. Google (Gmail) is good in that you can set it up (with a couple tweaks) so you can still treat it as a POP e-mail and thus still download it to Outlook and thus keep all your e-mail in one place. I've just got to be sure I pick the correct FROM person whenever I send an e-mail so I can use my "disposable" Gmail address. Then if I start getting spam at that address, I just inscribe from the user groups, delete the disposable e-mail address from GMail, and make a new "disposable" one and then rejoin the groups w the new e-mail.

P.P.S. - after sending the below I did some testing/verifying. I found out that Legacy does NOT store the LOCATION preferences in each family tree datafile structure (ie: the SMITH file does not have its own LOCATION setting within legacy, and the JONES family does not have its own LOCATION setting . . . ). Thus you will have to do a bit more "directory tree walking" to switch from one family to another using the below setup (where each family is put into its own directory). And you'd have to watch carefully where you saved stuff. I don't recall this being a problem for me (I'm just getting back into Legacy after many, MANY months so I'm pretty hazy) - but then I tend to be one of those "techie anal-retentive" type of folks. It all boils down to personal preference and style.

I also found out that in Legacy version 5 Deluxe, you can NOT get to the OPTIONS to change the LOCATIONS until you've actually opened/created your first tree file! It can be an empty file, but you've got to create one before you can get into OPTIONS to change your LOCATIONS.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Dawn Crowley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 3:09 PM
Subject: [LegacyUG] file locations was: WARNING to everyone buying a new computer!

I've stored all data under mydocs for years, keeping them separate so it's easy to back up all of mydocs. Is there a reason to store data in the programs folder?


Robert P wrote:

Actually, an even better way to structure the data directories would be:
(note that I put all the user data into separate folders UNDER the DATA folder.) Why? This way if you copy the C:\WINPROG\LEGACY\DATA folder and all its sub-folders, you are getting everything. You don't have to worry about remembering where the other folders are and remembering to include them.

Or, if you have multiple trees and want to make copying/sharing easier:
and etc

As a side note - I COPY all pictures/videos/etc that I'm gonna use in Legacy into these directories BEFORE I attach them to people/events. That means I use more disk space (the original picture someplace else on my drive, and again in the Legacy directories), but it sure makes Legacy maintenance and sharing easier. Also means that if I move the original someplace else, I don't lose the Legacy link to it 'cause Legacy isn't pointing to the original!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert P" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] WARNING to everyone buying a new computer!

Check the Legacy site. I believe I recall them saying that Legacy may not work if it is installed in PROGRAM FILES on Vista. Or maybe it was just if the data was there. This is especially true if you have multiple identities on the computer - what you see in Legacy the others that log on to your PC won't be able to see if you use the default PROGRAM FILES location.

The solution:
Install legacy in a different directory. I don't have Legacy installed on our Vista machine, but on the other PCs I installed it into a folder called:
(A habit I picked up years ago - long story - I don't install all programs there, but Legacy is one I do. Not because of any problems of Legacy, just an old habit.) This way the user authentication (ie: Vista's security) doesn't come into play because this is not a standard folder that Windows "protects".

I believe I also remember seeing that you need the UAC turned on (user access control??) in Vista for Legacy to work, but I may be wrong.

So - try de-installing Legacy, re-install it under C:\WINPROG\LEGACY, and then make sure you copy your old data to the C:\WINPROG\LEGACY\DATA folder. Then the first time you start up Legacy, do this: OPTIONS, CUSTOMIZE, LOCATIONS tab - check where Legacy is pointing and change them so they all go to C:\WINPROG\LEGACY\xxxx For example:
Probably even wise if the TEMP file is:
C:\WINPROG\LEGACY\TEMP (make sure each folder actually exists!
Then do a FILE OPEN and load your datafile from C:\WINPROG\LEGACY\DATA
(Note that you do not need to make these folders all uppercase. Just be sure you are consistent in their actual folder name upper/lower case and in what you tell Legacy. If you use Legacy's CHANGE feature, it should match the folder name with the actual upper/lower case.)

Might also want to check their web site about being in ADMIN mode during the install. Don't remember if this was a requirement or not, but it is for lots of programs.

Hope this helps.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Carneal USA" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 12:41 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] WARNING to everyone buying a new computer!

I can't help with the Vista problems, except to say the developers are working on the Vista problems.

As for Ancestry, if you can, get your information from them in a Gedcom (download). Open the Gedcom in Legacy, and work with it until you are satisfied with it. (Do not import into you family file right away, too many people have regretted that.) Only after you are satisfied, import into your family file. This is what I do.


Donna C. Brown wrote:

I just bought a new HP computer with Vista on it. We found a good sale on it but we really got what we paid for. "Will I ever learn?" Vista is terrible, at this stage. You can't download things easily. It only came with junky programs or ones that you can only get for 60 day trial period. Because of Vista, you have to get extra help from the companies before you can download your favorite old programs or installation discs. Everyone told me AFTER I bought the computer that I should have waited till Microsoft got the bugs worked out, just as they did with XP. OR, I could have gotten a computer built with XP and the programs we use. Our only solution now may be to spend more money to have Vista wiped off the harddrive and have XP installed back on the computer. So much for sales. Legacy walked me through the download via the web ONLY. Discs didn't work. But, now that I have Legacy downloaded, it's BLANK! (I'm shouting with frustration!) All my data is still on my old laptop with XP. Does anyone have suggestions for transferring the data? One other big question, when I retrieve info from <>, how can I import it directly to Legacy? I usually have to write it in longhand and then type it into Legacy. That's very time consuming and prone to mistakes. Thanks for any suggestions to these problems.
Donna Brown

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