Barbara Ford wrote
I am assuming that I should ONLY ONE TIME have put the name of the cemetery as a Burial Address associated with that Burial Location. Am I correct?

Yes. Once you have entered an address previously, the next time you want to use it after clicking on the + and selecting Burial Address click on Address List then you can either scroll down or type the name (you usually only need part of it) in the Find field.

By the way, is there now a quick way I can take that out of all but one instance? (This is a cemetery where I have already input the Name of the Cemetery for about 20 different individuals...)

Yes to that, too. With the address list open (after you have clicked on Address List) highlight the first instance of the address which is duplicated and then click on the bar at the bottom which says "Combine the highlighted event address with another one in the list..." Now select the second instance of the address and click the bar again. Repeat until you only have one instance of the address.
Jenny M Benson

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