I am watching the videos again just for fun.  It says that you should NOT type 
in the surnames in all caps but if you want to display them in all caps all you 
do is check the box for that under the preferences tab.  I understand that 
perfectly HOWEVER, when I was using FTM, I did type in the surnames in all caps 
so when I imported the file to Legacy it kept that formatting.  How do I know?  
I turned off the display in all caps in the preferences and all my surnames are 
still in all caps.  Is there anyway to fix this?  I tried to manually change 
one name just to see if it would let me but because of the auto entry it 
retypes it in all caps because that is how that nam was entered in the first 
place (I wouldn't want to change them one by one anyway).  Is there some way to 
fix this so that the surnames are not in all caps and then I can tell the 
program to display them in all caps.

I hope that all made sense.


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