One other thing about surnames in all-caps....

I know for a fact, that a different genealogy program a few years ago
stored all names in one list.  (I don't think that program does
anymore, so I'm not saying which one.)  That list included place names
(a city, or a state, or a country, etc....)  first names, middle
names, last names.    It was only stored in the computer once, and how
you typed it last was how it stored it.


If you had a person whose last name is Washington, and didn't know not
to put it in all-caps (like their manual warned you not to)  you would
enter it in as WASHINGTON.   Ok, then you later on had someone from
Washington state, so you entered that as Washington.  Ok..... much
later, you went to the person with the name of Washington, and it
wasn't in all-caps.... strange.... so you change it back.   Then later
you are printing a report, and all the washington states are now in
all-caps.   Confused a lot of people even though the manuals, help,
and everything clearly said to put it in mixed case, and it would
display on non-entry screens and reports in all-caps (unless you
turned that off.)    Same confusion with people that had surnames the
same as other's given names.   (ie, I knew someone with a surname of

So - what does that have to do with Legacy?   Nothing directly - but
it might affect someone else that uses a GEDCOM you send them.....

And btw - not all people like to see surnames in all-caps.    I have a
Mc surnmae for my maiden name, and HATE it in all-caps....    And I
have  Mackie's and MacKie's  - which are spelled the same except the
capitalization, but are pronounced entirely differently.   So I don't
display anything in all-caps, and instead have the /'s displayed to
denote the surnames.   So I just think it is incorrect to say
"everyone likes".... anything.

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