I'm using Build of December 2006 and do not plan to upgrade until Version 7 is issued. I (and others) have reported a problem with an inappropriate period (punctuation) now for several years. The last promise we had for a fix was in December 2006. I've reviewed the revision histories on the Legacy website and do not see this issue addressed. I would really like to see it fixed by Version 7. I have many occasions where only a year in parentheses is appropriate in either the master source publication facts (where the date is entered here because it is not part of the title) or the source detail. Below are some made-up and abbreviated examples. These periods stand out like a sore thumb in report citations. Are any of you still having the problems outlined below?

Kay Fordham

Source Detail Example:

Entry:  Joe Blow death certificate #12345 (1939)

Results:  Joe Blow death certificate #12345.(1939)

If you use [1939] you don't have the problem; however square brackets have a different connotation. If you add any text before or after the date in parentheses you don't have the problem.

Master Source Example:

Entry in Title:  Joe Blow death certificate #12345

Entry in Publication Facts: 1939

Results: Joe Blow death certificate #12345.(1939)

If you add any text before or after the date in parentheses you don't get the superfluous period.

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