I have seven regular backup files, one labeled for each day of the
week. So as I log off for the night, I select the file for that day.
Once a month, I save my file as a GEDCOM and label it by the month,
and upload it to Rootsweb's WorldConnect. I don't delete these monthly

But best of all, I have backups done off site to Mozy.com. For free,
you can back up your Legacy (and other important) files every day.
They keep each new file backed-up permanently, until you have stored
up to 2GB (yes gigabytes!) of data. So my daily backups are all saved,
and I can find them by date at Mozy, if I need to go back further than
a week or a month.

Have any of you LUGgers been procrastinating about setting up your
free Mozy backup? Let my email be the thing that gets you to sign up
NOW. It really does not take much longer than a few minutes, and you
can leave your PC on tonight while it starts its initial backup. You
will have to Configure your backups so that it will save Legacy files
stored under the Program folders. Mozy customer service walked me
through it.


On 2/20/08, Tish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am asking a new backup question.  When leaving Legacy, I do backups nearly
> every time.
> Can I delete all but the last two or three?  It is showing a lot of backups
> for the same family.  I always put the date and the file name.  It would be
> nice if this were possible to get rid of some of the accumulation.
> Thanks very much.
> Tish

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