
We seem to have a wood and trees problem here, so lets try from square one. You 
will not have made any temporary files, most programs make them for temporary 
storage whilst they are executing your instructions, so forget about them and 
don't use them.

In my opinion it is best to restore only from the back-up on the machine which 
you are using and not from your flash drive - the latter only being there is a 
long-stop back-up ie. for emergency use only. If you ever need to use the one 
on the flash drive then first copy it to C:\Legacy\Data and restore from there 
(check first that you will not be replacing a later version).

I seem to remember that you found your latest back-up in C:\Legacy\Data, which 
is exactly where it should be and your problem is that Legacy has forgotten 
this, so you need to teach it. Go to File>Restore Family File. If it again 
brings up the temporary file then use the box at the top of the screen to 
change to C:\Legacy\Data and you should then see your proper back-up, open this 
one and Legacy should always go there again in the future.

Ron Ferguson


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> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
> Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Testing My Backup - Problem
> Date: Sat, 5 Apr 2008 10:17:28 -0400
> Hi Cathy,
> Before I go any further, I thought I'd better check to make sure I do the
> right thing in the first paragraph. Do you mean that I should be opening
> the Legacy that is on my desktop and going to File>Restore rather than
> trying to use the Legacy back up that is on my flash drive? I was using the
> Legacy I had just backed up to my flash drive and going to File>Restore.
> Now, I've just tried going to my Legacy program that is on the desk top and
> I went to File>Restore and I clicked to close my family files and then a
> window came up "Select a Backed up Family File to Restore". In "Look in:"
> it has Temporary Directory 3 for Stitz_2008-ap4.zip and nothing in the big
> box or in the file name box. I'm not sure what to do at this point.
> I have now unticked "Hide extensions for known file types" that you
> mentioned. I have XP and haven't made any Temporary Directories.
> Jan
>> Hi Jan,
>> See below
>> At 08:50 AM 5/04/2008, you wrote:
>>>I just backed up my Legacy to a flash drive and wanted to test it, so I
>>>went to the Legacy Website where I went to tips. I was trying to follow
>>>the steps but am having some problems. Here is what I've done:
>>>I put in the flash drive and clicked on the zipped folder Stitz_2008-ap4.
>>>The window came up with 3 choices - Stitz Family, Stitz Family.FG, and
>>>Stitz Family.TC and I clicked on Stitz Family and got a window with
>>>Error-Would you like to Try It Again? and I clicked Yes and Legacy opened.
>> Don't click on the file - open Legacy and go to File> Restore Family File
>> and navigate to the right folder to find your backup.
>>>I went to File>Restore Family File and then clicked "yes" to close all
>>>Family Files. Then "Select a Backup Family File to Restore" came up and
>>>I selected the flash drive in the "Look in" box. A zipped folder
>>>Stitz_2008-ap4 was a choice in the big box but it doesn't say".zip" after
>>>it like the instructions said. When I highlight it, it appears in the
>>>File Name box also without the .zip (Is this a problem? How would I fix
>> The .zip is missing because Windows hides known file type extensions
>> unless you tell it not to. In My Computer see the Tools menu - Folder
>> Options - View tab and untick Hide extensions for known file types. Now
>> that's in Windows XP but I guess the same options are in Vista even if in
>> a slightly different place. I think you are using Vista as you keep
>> talking about Temporary Directories 2 etc which I haven't encountered - or
>> have you made these folders?
>>>I clicked OPEN and "Enter a Name to Restore the Family File as" came up.
>>>"Save in" says Temporary Directory 2 for Stitz_2008-ap4.zip and the large
>>>box says Stitz Family, File Name says Stitz Family and Save as Type says
>>>"Legacy [*.fdb]". Should I leave all of this like it is?
>>>The instructions say to click OK but there is a SAVE and when I click that
>>>a window comes up Family File Already Exists and my choices are Rename,
>>>Overwrite and Cancel. What should I chose?
>> Save and OK do the same thing. When you are testing a backup you need to
>> provide a different name - I just add the same date that I've added to the
>> backup name. You don't want to overwrite or you'll have nothing to compare
>> with AND, if it doesn't work for some reason, then you've wiped out your
>> real Family File.
>>>Any help would be appreciated as I would like to make sure I am backing up
>>>to a flash drive correctly and that I would be able to restore from it
>>>should I need to.
>>>Jan Stitz
>> If you are using Vista, did you follow the instructions for installing
>> Legacy on a Vista computer found at:
>> http://www.legacyfamilytree.com/helpWindowsVista.asp
>> Cathy
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> Archived messages:
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