Dr. Peter Wielhouwer wrote:
Can I ask how these search strings interact with Legacy? Or are these just ways to do customized searches at each respective website?


Legacy interacts by parsing (reading and interpreting) the string, looking for tokens (or place holders) that it can substitute with data from the current record. These tokens are defined in a standard fashion throughout the product and are easily identified by being enclosed in pairs of square brackets. In the above example, there are two such tokens, namely: [FirstName] and [Surname]. That's the easy part :-) I think there's a reasonably comprehensive list of these field names somewhere in the help file.

Unfortunately, whilst there is a standard method for supplying data from your client (Legacy) to a particular websites search engine, there are no naming conventions within that standard. Consequently, every website will use a different implementation of that standard.

The standard method of passing data is via keyword and value pairs. Names such as FNN=, LNM= and first_kind= keywords in the above are keywords. The values are either default values or what Legacy substitutes into the string.

The art of constructing these strings is first in determining what keywords each search page uses, and secondly how these map onto the Legacy dictionary of field names. This requires a working knowledge of HTML and access to some form of line tracing mechanism so that a record of what data is passed between your browser and the Internet can be ascertained.

Whilst the search strings themselves are relevant to Legacy, I would suggest that the derivation of them is not. :-)

Mike Fry

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