I don't think making a backup of your Legacy files for restore needs to be scary. I don't use the default options so I have no idea if they even work. I use Syncback to keep up-to-date backups of the entire directory on 2 external hard-drives and a flash-drive, as well as out of my house at Mozy. If I ever need it, I just copy everything back to the Legacy 7 folder on my C-drive. Works like a charm, especially un-scared since my main computer OS died yesterday.

Pauline B. Cramer wrote:
The message describing a problem with V7 Deluxe not restoring multimedia backup was posted by KathyB over 48 hours ago, but I have not yet seen anyone address the problem. This is scary. Is this a known bug? Has anyone looked at her message and investigated the problem? I have had the capability to download v7 for five days, but I am waiting to see a resolution to this problem.


KathyB wrote:
Have Version 7 and thought I'd try out the backup and restore function of the program since I have a new laptop that I want to put the program and files on.

I was able to successfully back-up the family file and the multimedia files on my main computer, put them on a flash drive, then downloaded and installed Legacy V7 Deluxe. I then did the restore function - BUT it only restored the family file itself, and not the multimedia files.

The "help" file says :
1. Choose Restore Family File... from the File menu. The Select a Family File or Multimedia Backup to Restore dialog appears.
From the Restore Location dialog box, specify the drive and directory where
you want the restored Family File or Multimedia files placed.

So, I did that, but it only restored the family file. If I try it again, and this time select the multimedia file to restore, it tells me there is no family file in that file to restore.

What am I doing wrong?


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