ronald ferguson wrote
I do not really have a way of checking this so please could you advise. I do not have a comma between the house number/name and the street ie. they are in the same field, and I wondered if separating the two makes any difference when it somes to using VE mapping.

At present it takes me to the road (if known) but would it still look for the road or the house name/number if it was in the first field?

BTW I haven't separated only because that is the way I started doing it!

I've just done some experimenting with some addresses where I know exactly where the house were. Interesting! It didn't seem to make any difference whether or not there was a comma between the house number and the street name. The program did make *some attempt* to position the pins correctly, but on maximum zoom they proved to be not at all accurate.

However, what did seem to make a difference was the relationship between entering the locations and plotting them on the map! If I entered a location for, say, birth as 1 Gorsefield Road then went to Mapping, the pin would be at one end of the road. Then I entered 52 Gorsefield Road for the death and went to mapping and the pin was positioned half-way up the road. But if I entered the birth address and the death address and *then* went to Mapping, there was only 1 pin in the map for Gorsefield Road. I tried this with 3 different addresses.

Jenny M Benson

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