
I have duplicated your problem with an SS-5 from my own files. I have used the 
citation, thru the clipboard on the individual and his mother. 

As Richard points out, the details appear as they should on Family and 
Individual reports (and I presume others).

However, as you have pointed out, they do not appear on the Source  Citations 
report generated from the Books/Other report tab. 

  From: Thomas Herson 
  Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 11:22 AM
  To: Legacy Users Group 
  Subject: [LegacyUG] Source Citation Report - Problem

  This time I'm supplying specific information with regard to a problem  I'm 
having the the Source Citation Report. I have yet to have a response or an 
acknowledgement from Support.

  When citing Applications for Social Security Account Numbers (SS-5) I add a 
new source and source detail as follows:

  Selected for Master Source Template - Social Security Records  Original

  Entries in Master Source Template:

  Master Source List Name - Social Security-Application for Account Number

  Agency/Creator - Social Security Administration

  Series - Applications for Account Numbers, Form SS-5

  Source Detail Entries:

  ID of Person: William Harold Peters

  SSN: 061-20-0936

  Date: January 4, 1931

  Item: Application for Account Number (Form SS-5)

  The resulting Footnote, Subseuent Citation and Bibliography output is just 
fine. However, when running a Source Citation Report, NONE of the items in the 
Source Detail Entries are displayed even though I have selected that option on 
the include tab for the report/

  Source Detail information IS displayed on all other sources that I have 
dealtt. Is there something wrong with the Social Security Records>Original 

  Can anyone else duplicate my problem? Geoff Rasmussen said he couldn't, but 
I'm not sure he understood the problem as I stated it to him

  The reason I am interested in having the source detail show is that when I am 
citing an SS-5 as a source for someone's name, such as the father or the mother 
of the applicant. I like to be able to see on the Source Citation Report whose 
SS-%I was citing. Without the Source Detail showing on the Source Citation 
Report for this template, it's impossible to tell whose SS-5 is being cited.

  Can anyone help?


  Tom Herson

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