--- On Sun, 3/22/09, Sherry/Support <she...@legacyfamilytree.com> wrote:

> From: Sherry/Support <she...@legacyfamilytree.com>
> Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Unable to Uninstall; Missing Install.log file
> To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
> Date: Sunday, March 22, 2009, 3:57 PM
With Legacy closed, go to the Legacy folder on your hard
> drive. Delete the
> Install.Log file. Then go to the c:\Legacy\Backup
> folder and delete any
> files with the word "install" in the file name.
> Reinstall Legacy and you should have no problems
> uninstalling.
> Thanks for using Legacy.


Nope, Legacy cannot be uninstalled.  And yes, I'm 100% positive I followed your 
instructions exactly.  

I am awaiting Ron's instructions offlist re: registry edit (I'm a brave woman).

FYI, here is what I've done, more or less in sequence, since discovering 
yesterday that Legacy consistently hangs when trying to print or preview 
reports.  I rebooted after each step.

Ran Check/Repair

Reset Options Customize to default

Deleted .usr files related to reports

Opened/converted an old fdb file (created pre-version 7) to make sure it wasn't 
a problem with my main file

Tried to uninstall (couldn't)

Rebooted with Last Known Good Config

Ran system restore to pre- download

Ran system restore to pre- download

Reset report settings to default

Ran complete McAfee scan on all files/folders

Tried to uninstall again (this time I got the "could not open install.log" 
error message, retrieved the last install.log file from Mozy, ran uninstall 
again; it appeared to work but didn't - all it did was delete the install.log 

Deleted all .usr files, not just those related to reports.

Reinstalled Legacy "over the top."

Followed your instructions to the letter.

Bottom line:  I cannot uninstall Legacy, and I cannot print or preview any 
report, including the Family File Info Report.  (I am able to print/preview 
from Excel, Word, pdf files, webpages, etc. without problem).

For what it may be worth, my Event Log shows multiple Legacy Application Hangs 
Category (101) Event 1002.

Other ideas short of editing the registry or formatting my hard drive and 
starting from scratch?  (Running XP Home with SP3 on a 3 year old HP Laptop).



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