I have now successfully linked my unconnected people webpages to my main
family pages.

Now for the other question.  Special characters such as bullets and letters
with accents are displaying incorrectly from my website.  They appear
correctly when I look at the the HTML pages on my computer but when I view
them after they are uploaded via FTP to my ISP, they appear as outlined

For example, I have the setup for pedigree-style web pages to display events
in list style using bullet points.  Once uploaded to my web server, the
bullets are no longer little dots but outlined squares.  Likewise, letters
with accents (French e's with accent acute or German u's with umlauts) also
appear as outlined squares instead of the correct letter.  They appear fine
when I look at the HTML files on my hard drive prior to uploading.

Perhaps my web server can't display the font that the files are being
created in?  Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks for any help with this one.


-----Original Message-----
From: k...@legacyfamilytree.com [mailto:k...@legacyfamilytree.com] On Behalf
Of M. Brenzel
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2009 12:34 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: RE: [LegacyUG] Web pages - linking to another set of pages

Dennis and Ron,

Thanks for your suggestions.  I'll give it a try.  I have to sign off now
but I'll be back later.  I know that I have another web question pertaining
to the display of certain characters, such as bullets and foreign letters
with accents (like an umlaut).


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