On Fri, 1 May 2009 14:29:46 -0400, "M. Brenzel"
<brenze...@roadrunner.com> wrote:

>I have now successfully linked my unconnected people webpages to my main
>family pages.
>Now for the other question.  Special characters such as bullets and letters
>with accents are displaying incorrectly from my website.  They appear
>correctly when I look at the the HTML pages on my computer but when I view
>them after they are uploaded via FTP to my ISP, they appear as outlined
>For example, I have the setup for pedigree-style web pages to display events
>in list style using bullet points.  Once uploaded to my web server, the
>bullets are no longer little dots but outlined squares.  Likewise, letters
>with accents (French e's with accent acute or German u's with umlauts) also
>appear as outlined squares instead of the correct letter.  They appear fine
>when I look at the HTML files on my hard drive prior to uploading.
>Perhaps my web server can't display the font that the files are being
>created in?  Has anyone else experienced this?
>Thanks for any help with this one.

Can you post a link to a page that isn't displaying correctly?

Dennis Kowallek (LTools)

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