Jean Moore wrote:
I keep getting the error "Run Time Error 3167, Record is Deleted" and when I click on "OK," Legacy closes. I reopen Legacy and look to see if the last individual I worked on or entered was deleted, but it never is. This has happened about six times in the last three days. Is there something I should do to quit getting this error and/or is it causing some harm to my database that I'm not aware of? Thanks, Jean

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Every message has the above link at the bottom.
Following it takes you to a page where you can search by error number.
Error number 3167 yields the below directions.

• File Maintenance

Please perform File Maintenance. File Maintenance will repair index errors, correct common record problems, remove references to unused information, and compact the family file. Here are the steps:

1. Click File from the menu bar and select File Maintenance from the file menu.
    2. Choose the Check/Repair option from the submenu and proceed.
3. If errors are found, re-run Check/Repair one more time to make sure that all problems are fixed.

If that does not solve the problem, export all your records into a new Legacy family file (File > Export To > Legacy file) and use the new file.

Before asking other listers to look it up for you, it would be much faster to look it up yourself. You won't have to wait for someone to answer before you can fix it and get back to your files.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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