Jean Moore wrote:
Thanks for the info. FYI, when I first got the message, I went to Help and searched for Run Time Error and Error Messages. There was no heading for Run Time Error and under Error Messages, it gives a list of Trouble Shooting, but again, nothing about Run Time Errors. As for links at the bottom of every message, never noticed them. And I wasn't asking anyone to "look it up for me." I looked it up myself, it's just that the answer wasn't there and I didn't know where else to look. I thought that's what this list was for -- asking questions when you didn't know the answers or where to find them. I've seen many questions here that were much more lame than mine and the responses to them were not so hand-slapping. Excuse me if I've inconvenienced everyone on the list with my question. I think I've asked a total of three questions in the four years or so I've been on this list. I guess that's too many.

I wasn't slapping your hand, I was teaching you to fish. Your response to the help you received is a little over the top.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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